A Next Set A Rockers album review – 2000 Black

Major labels make it painless for fans to buy their wares anywhere in any format. Wanna download? iTunes and Amazon are primed to take your cash. Prefer a CD? You can buy one while doing your weekly shop at Walmart. But in the case of Dego and Kaidi’s new album, punters will suffer; A Next Set A Rockers is destined for Japan only. With an import price close to £30, few outside Asia will hear the silky funk of So Right, Ty’s rap on Hey There, or the infectiously bouncy If You Got 3 Wishes. More familiar are Don’t Make Me Hurt You, Got Me Puzzled and Dealt A Bad Hand — superb tracks that have been a staple of DJ sets for yonks. The popularity of these songs has led to A Next Set A Rockers receiving praise from fans of Silhouette Brown and 4hero; it’s a shame, then, that only a minority will own it.

Note: Thankfully, this album is more widely available now

Album sample[mp3t track=”a_next_set_a_rockers.mp3″ title=””]


2000 Black[/one_half_last]



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