This rag-to-riches tale (vaguely “inspired by a true story”) features an unexpectedly sensitive (and Oscar-nominated) turn by Will Smith who plays a struggling salesman of bone-density scanners, a near-defunct device that no right-thinking medic wants. That, unfortunately, is only the start of his woes after his wife (Thandie Newton) leaves him with mounting debts and a young son. But does he crumble? Oh no. Exhibiting a can-do attitude that’s rarely seen outside a self-help seminar, he paces the streets of San Francisco, while juggling childrearing and job hunting. It’s a plucky yarn that’s suppose to make you feel pumped-up and cheery, but instead you’re left questioning the cutthroat culture our hero is trying to overcome.
Genre “Factual” drama
Director Gabriele Muccino
Stars Will Smith, Jaden Smith and Thandie Newton
Website The Pursuit Of Happyness