Impossible Ark Label Compilation album – free music download

A free nine-track album featuring acoustic jazz and Latin tunes from the Impossible Ark label

What better way to highlight a label’s wares than to give away a selection of its songs? That’s what Impossible Ark Records has done with its Impossible Ark Label Compilation.

The nine-track album features songs of a jazzy, acoustic bent by the likes of Nostalgia 77, Skeletons and the Rhythmagic Orchestra.

Impossible Ark Records is a small UK label run by Ben Lamdin (of Nostalgia 77 fame) and bassist Riaan Vosloo, from the Sun Ra-resembling Examples Of Twelves.

If you like this album, click the “download” button (on this page). You can find songs of a similar hue at Ben and Riaan’s Etch Shop.

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Impossible Ark Label compilation



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